

lvm-powerwallI am best known for my research into novel interactive visualization techniques, ‘Powerwall’ displays, data science, virtual reality, navigation and human computer interaction.

I have also created some writing tips to help you overcome writer’s block and structure reports, papers and dissertations.

I am an Alexander von Humboldt Foundation fellow, and a Fellow of the Alan Turing Institute.


vrst-40-smallI currently teach data science and information visualization, and have previously taught a number of other subjects.

I also teach short courses on Tableau.


lvm-innovationaward-smallI work with a wide range of industry and public sector organisations, including Roche, J Sainsbury Plc, NHS Digital, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, and Leeds City Council (LCC). We created a video with LCC describing how we collaborated to develop new data mining and visualization techniques, with the ultimate aim of helping people to stay in their own homes rather than have to go into residential care.

I am an expert in data visualization and data quality, undertake some consultancy, and produced a film called Visualizing the Quality of Data, which available on YouTube.

I commercialised the Leeds Virtual Microscope with Roche, the global healthcare company, and also co-founded a spin-off company called Petriva to commercialise my petrophysics visualization software. Vimeo hosts my keynote talk about turning Fundamental Research to Successful Applications.


eidetind-smallI love spending my spare time in the outdoors, climbing, fell running, walking, cycling and skiing.